Vortex Tech Services Video - Vernacare Canada Inc.

Damned Rascal - Windswept Productions
Documentary Video - Producer/Researcher/Writer/Director/Camera/Editor
A biographical portrait of Captain John Walden Meyers; a notorious American Loyalist and a prominent Canadian pioneer - the "Founding Father" of Belleville, Ontario. The video explores the "other side" of the American Revolution and the beginnings of English Canada through the life of this remarkable man.
The Birdman - Dr. Alexander Milton Ross - Windswept Productions
Documentary - Producer/Director/Camera/Editor
Virtually unknown in his home town of Belleville, Ontario, Dr. Alexander Milton Ross was a giant in the Abolitionist Movement and the Underground Rail Road preceding the American Civil War.
Also in the works:

Treason & Loyalty: the Story the American Loyalists - Windswept Productions
Documentary Video - Producer/Researcher/Writer/Director/Camera/Editor
In both Canadian and American history, one of the most often ignored and misunderstood groups has been the Loyalists of the American Revolution. This documentary will look beyond the myths to see who these people really were and discover the impact they had on both countries and beyond.